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Sacral Bioneuromodulation. The Role of Bone Marrow Aspirate in Spinal Cord Injury. Bioengineering
The role of orthobiologics in chronic wound healing. International Wound Journal
The clinical use of cannabinoids for pain. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
SDIMMMER: A propaedeutic approach in regenerative medicine. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
Gut Microbiome: A Revolution in Type II Diabetes Mellitus. World Journal of Diabetes
Insights of gut-liver axis in hepatic diseases: Mechanisms, clinical implications, and therapeutic potentials. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Preparing the soil: Adjusting the metabolic health of patients with chronic wounds and musculoskeletal diseases. International Wound Journal
SDIMMMER: A Proposed Clinical Approach to Optimize Cellular Physiology in Regenerative Medicine. Life
Impact of curcumin on gut microbiome. World Journal of Experimental Medicine
Gut microbiome and orthopaedic health: Bridging the divide between digestion and bone integrity. World Journal of Orthopedics
Innovative Approaches in Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment: A Comprehensive Review of Bone Marrow-Derived Products. Biomedicines
Capítulo de livro: Ortobiológicos e Terapias Injetáveis – Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Princípios e Práticas (Sizinio)
Capítulo de livro: Uso de Células Mesenquimais Adiposas no Tratamento das Patologias do Pé e Tornozelo – Inovações no Diagnóstico e Tratamento do Tornozelo e Pé
Cannabidiol for musculoskeletal regenerative medicine
New Values of Normal Ankle Strength and Its Importance for Rehabilitation and Return to Play
Bone Marrow Aspirate and Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin for Achilles tendon Rupture
Capítulo de livro: Sarcopenia – Soc Bras de Quadril
Livro: Minutos em Medicina Regenerativa – Orthoregen
Platelet-Rich Plasma Gel Matrix (PRP-GM): Description of a New Technique
Isokinetic Evaluation in a Large Cohort of Normal Ankles
Application of Sygen® in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathies—A Review of Biological Interactions
Stromal Vascular Fraction for Knee Osteoarthritis – An Update
Application of Orthobiologics in Achilles Tendinopathy: A Review
The Association between Gut Microbiota and Osteoarthritis: Does the Disease Begin in the Gut?
Characterization of Motor Performance in 200 Normal Ankles Through Isokinetic Evaluation
“Preparing the Soil”: Optimizing Metabolic Management in Regenerative Medicine Procedures
O Alívio da Dor pelo Equilíbrio – Saúde Integrativa e Dor
Capítulo de livro: Preparing the Soil”: Optimizing Metabolic Management in Regenerative Medicine Procedures – Joint Function Preservation
Livro: Medicina Regenerativa – Orthoregen
Partial plantar fasciectomy for the treatment of plantar fibromatosis
The regenerative mechanisms of platelet-rich plasma: A review
Nebulization of Glutathione and N-Acetylcysteine as an Adjuvant Therapy for COVID-19 Onset
Human platelet lysate – A potent (and overlooked) orthobiologic
Molecular Sciences Bone Marrow Aspirate Matrix: A Convenient Ally in Regenerative Medicine
Biofat grafts as an orthobiologic tool in osteoarthritis: An update and classification proposal
Capítulo de livro: Proloterapia – Sbed
Capítulo de livro: Preparing the Soil: Targeting Meta-Inflammation in Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine – ISAKOS NEWSLETTER
TL – 18148 – Partial plantar fasciotomy for the treatment of plantar fibromatosis
PO 18175 – Complications of first tarsometatarsal joint arthrodesis
TL 18075 – Subtalar arthroscopic debridement for treatment of sinus tarsi syndrome
PO 18079 – Arthroscopic medial and lateral ligament repair for multidirectional ankle instability
PO 18239 – Malerba Z-type osteotomy for the treatment of adult acquired flatfoot deformity
Deltoid Insufficiency and Flatfoot—Oh Gosh, I’m Losing the Ankle! What Now?
Subtalar arthroscopic debridment for the treatment of sinus tarsi syndrome: Case series
Preliminary results of the correction of metatarsus adductus associated with severe hallux valgus
Metal artifact reduction MRI of total ankle arthroplasty implants
Resultados preliminares da osteotomia distal oblíqua do primeiro metatarso no hálux rígido
Fluorquinolones and the Risk of Achilles Tendon Disorders: Update on a Neglected Complication
MR imaging of ankle arthroplasty implants: Findings of normal and symptomatic patients
Posterior ankle impingement in athletes: Epidemiology and results of operative treatment
Achilles tendinopathy induced by serial injections of collagenase: A new experimental model
Flatfoot hindfoot alignment: A comparison of clinical assessment and weightbearing conebeam CT
Comparing weight bearing radiographs and weight bearing cone beam CT for flatfoot assessment
Turf-toe: Demography, diagnosis and treatment – A study of 24 cases
MR Imaging of Ankle Arthroplasty Implants: Findings of Normal and Symptomatic Patients
Outcomes of flexor digitorum longus (FDL) tendon transfer in the treatment of Achilles tendinopathy
Flatfoot Hindfoot Alignment: A Comparison of Clinical Assessment and Weightbearing ConeBeam CT.
Prospective Study of the “Inside-Out” Arthroscopic Ankle Ligament Technique: Preliminary Result
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Injections of the Foot and Ankle − an overview
Capítulo de livro: An International Perspective on the Foot and Ankle in Sports: Brazil
Capítulo de livro: Instabilidade medial: reparo do deltoide agudo e reconstrução do deltoide crônico
Metal Artifact Reduction MRI for Sagittal Balance Evaluation of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Metal Artifact Reduction MRI of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Flexible Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Characterizing Flatfoot Deformity in Three Dimensions: Weightbearing versus Nonweightbearing CT.
Metal Artifact Reduction MRI for Sagittal Balance Evaluation of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Metal Artifact Reduction MRI of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Sagittal Balance of Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Radiograpy versus Metal Artifact Reduction MRI
Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity. Comparison of Weightbearing and Nonweightbearing CT Examinations
Influence of Reader Experience on Reliability of Flatfoot Measurements Using Weightbearing CT
SEMAC MRI of total ankle arthroplasty
Adult acquired flatfoot deformity: Comparison of weightbearing and nonweightbearing CT examinations
Sagittal balance of total ankle arthroplasty: Radiography versus metal artifact reduction MRI
Influence of reader experience on reliability of flatfoot measurements using weightbearing CT
Capítulo de livro: Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, 12th Ed – Versão Traduzida – Sports injuries of the ankle
Capítulo de livro: Reconstrução Ligamentar Lateral do Tornozelo Pela Técnica “Inside-Out”
Crescimento Tardio das Lesões por Radiofreqüência no Músculo da Coxa de Ratos Filhotes e na Puberdade: Análise Qualitativa – Revista Bras. e Latino Am de Marcapasso e Arritmia.
Dr. Lucas Furtado da Fonseca, médico graduado e mestre pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo, membro do Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina. Atendimento humano, experiência e dedicação ao aprimoramento de técnicas mais eficientes e menos invasivas.
© 2023 Todos os direitos reservados para Dr. Lucas Fonseca